
Film Photography course 

Film Photography course shows you the skill of capturing life on Film, there are no second chances, its on Film not Digital.

Film will react to light and also Film can be pushed process to make Film change in the processing in the darkroom. The course shows how it is possible to change ASA ratings, to create stunning Film images. You will learn the age old skills of Film Processing.

Film courses run for one day to a 4 week course

  • Day 1 Discussion what is film, how does it react to light, what camera what lens, loading film, light readings the right way and wrong way, waiting for the moment, when to take the photograph, taking film out of the camera.

  • Day 2 Using the camera in different ways, colour film v black and white film, Fast shutter or slow shutter, shallow depth of filed or large depth of field, shape form and line, what ASA,

  • Day 3 Several projects delivered on the day using all skills of Film photography, discussion on resulting projects, how to take these projects forward in the future.

  • Day 4 Film developing, loading film, developing films, drying films, making a contact sheet, making a print, drying prints.

    All images taken on the course will be developed and printed out for students to take away with them and see Life in Film.