iPhone Photography Course
The desire to take a great photograph hasn’t changed but what we take them on and how we take them has.
Instant gratification, that’s what we all want now at our fingertips and that’s exactly what this iPhone Photography Course is all about. Professional shots in the palm of your hand. The world has evolved and no longer do we have to carry around a heavy camera to take a breath taking shot. Whether you want the perfect photo to show off where you’ve been travelling, a beautiful portrait of your kids to keep forever or you’ve started an online business and you need to capture the best of your product, you can do it all on your iPhone!
Influencers, Bloggers, Instagrammers, Foodies, Selfie Queens/Kings this is how to be the best in your field.
This course will show you how to take professional photographs, you’ll learn how to manipulate and edit your photos resulting in highly polished images ready to post, print, frame and store.